Deacon Jerry

Bishop Tony & Deacon Jerry

Bishop Tony & Deacon Jerry


Today’s Gospel at St. Clement of Alexandria was Luke 9: 51-62 and today’s homily was delivered by Deacon Jerry.  His message was short and sweet but not without huge significance.  It all boiled down to the peace that surpasses all human understanding, a part of the benediction at the end of Mass he reminded us. People may be out to harm us, others have excuses why they can’t be this or that or do this or that  but when you take the peace of Christ and put it into your heart it all doesn’t matter.

To me it’s like having a shield. You cannot control  what others do and say. You can only control you – what you do and say. When you have the peace of Christ you don’t let what others do and say change you as a person or cause you to respond in a manner that is combative or hurtful. It’s similar to – “And why worry about a speck in your friend’s eye when you have a log in your own?” You cannot change the world, you can only change you. The world you live in is your own creation. It is often said you make your own heaven and hell.It’s not your response to external circumstances that is important, it is all about growing your soul.

Deacon Jerry’s homily was only about 5 minutes but it was most passionate and most profound.

About flmiii

Retired. Avid Freemason and Duplicate Bridge Player

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